Friday, 19 September 2014

and we got running!

Some months ago, a bunch of us met for the 1st time under the 'now famous' bridge behind our condo. For those not known, this bridge leads us to the Garden by the Bay (running/walking path) from our condo. So what were these bunch of women doing at that bridge at 6:30am on a Sunday morning?

That was a the start of 'Salveo Mantras' running club! What's that? Well all the women there 
knew Salveo Mantra really well but the running club was a bit blur! And for those who don't know Salveo Mantra, that is the firm owned by our gym trainer (the common reason why were all under that bridge that morning)!

So why were we there? Most of us were on our weight loss programmes, and for others, they just wanted to get into a running routine. For me, I had no idea, what I was doing there that morning and where it would land me a few months later!

So to go back to day 1- each one set their own targets. I remember mine was 1.5kms and I felt thrilled when I ran that in a loop! It felt good..and I decided I am going to do this more often. Little did I realise, that this was building into something else (atleast for me)..

So we would meet every 1 Sunday a month, and most of us were running more than what we had started with! Through this journey, most of us had overcome a lot of issues we had (for me my weight issue, for some joint pains, for some waking up issues!!)...

The club has come a 'really' long way today..not just in terms of members, but what it has helped achieve for each member. Now we run 2 days in a month, and all of us run way beyond the distance we started running!

For me personally, it's got me to a level, where I get uneasy if  I don't do my weekly runs, I ran my 1st 5km marathon ever, soon my 1st 10km and more than anything, made a 'lifestyle change' for me...I look forward to my running Sundays, meeting those running buddies and it completely justifies the 'indulging weekends' I decide to have!

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